Shoe Box Appeal 2019

This year the annual Shoe Box Appeal will be held at St Bede’s and St Joseph’s Catholic College, Highgate, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD9 4BQ not at the Cathedral as we have done for the last three years.

Anyone who would like transport form Bradford, please let us know by sending an email to

The shoe box filling will be the same format as previous years and we are looking for as many volunteers as possible to assist in filling and wrapping the boxes that will go to underprivileged children within the Bradford Metropolitan Area.

Again, our target is to fill 1,000 shoe boxes with goodies and treats. We will be filling and wrapping from 10:00 a.m. throigh to 04:00 p.m.

For those travelling to us by public transport.
The No. 680 departs Bradford Interchange at 9:29 arrives in heaton just near the school at 9:46 this bus also picks up at stop M1 on market street & N3 cheapside in the town centre & the bus is heading for Bingley. Uunfortunately it is an hourly service.

The alternative is any bus that goes down Manningham Lane (622, 623 & 662) get off at last stop near Mannigham Park, opposite the Grammar School & walk up the hill on Emm Lane.

We look forward to seeing as many of a our regular faces as possible, thank you…..

Getting There!

Shoebox Packing will take place at the Ardor Site (formally St. Bedes Grammer School site):

Use top car park opposite One Stop shop.

There will be some local signage and people around to direct you to the hall where all the fun and action is!

See you on the seventh.

If you work with underprivelged children and woudl like to receive some filled shoeboxes, please get in touch – we may be able to help.