LATEST NEWS – October 2019
We are delighted to be able to announce an open day for our supporters and partners to tour our new unique facility. If you would like to view the Crash Pad and our refurbished facilitates then tickets can be secured through ‘eventbrite’ using the link below.
There is a refundable £10 deposit repaid to you on the day. There is also a small booking fee payable to booking agent.
The open day is between 10:00 a.m. and 03:00 p.m.
This Charity is well known for the holiday home it ran for some seventy years at Hest Bank, which, due to storms and limited finance had to be closed in the late seventies. Some forty years later as we head towards our Hundred and Thirtieth year of providing treats for underprivileged children, Bradford Cinderella Club are about to embark on providing accommodation for children who need an immediate break, somewhere comfortable where they can relax, somewhere with clean bedding, indeed, somewhere with bedding – a place they can chill and not have any pressure of any sort, just like tens of thousands of kids before the who visited Hest Bank.
But, as times change, so must we. This means we will not be sending a coach-load of kids to the seaside but will be sending them for a night or two of clean well-fed living at our new facility here in Bradford – it will be their Crash Pad.
The Crash Pad has been a long time in the making to ensure every aspect of the accommodation is suited to the needs of the children who will use the facility under the supervision of appropriate adults.
The project is now underway with an anticipated completion date of Summer 2019.
A few progress photographs below.

Update September 2019
Works are prgreesing very qucly now towards completion. Completion date is soemhat later than was prgrammed due to a number of factorsd, not least the additionla work involved with repalcing structrual timber found to be wrotten.
Decorators are due on site now to start decorating the top two floors which are compete with the exception of tiling to the main bathroom, doors which will be fitted as a final task and some lights still to be fit which are on back order.
The lift is due to be commissioned this next two weeks.
Gas is now installed on site and the underfloor heating is due to be commissioned this coming week. Heat will b introduced into this large building gradually by setting heat levels low and lifting by 2 to 3 degrees every couple of days.
External works are starting first week in October to provide external wheelchair access.
It has been a long slog, there has been an enormous amount of work carried out to make sure we provide the best of experiences to the youngsters who will be staying at our facility.
A formal full opening is being planned for February 2020. We will be having an open day to show our friends and supporters round. If you would like to have a tour, then please feel free to drop us an email –
A sneak preview of some of the areas below!

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