Charitable Work

The only way for a club like the Cinderella Club to survive is through the help and support of the local populace and this help can take one of 4 main forms:






Financial support is probably the most obvious and we have a page dedicated to how that can be given


At the annual festivals such as Christmas, Easter, where the giving of gifts is a common feature we try to make sure the disadvantaged children don’t miss out and help with our SHOE BOX APPEAL, EASTER EGG APPEAL in the form of gifts and eggs is appreciated. If you wish to offer such gifts please contact us.

However there are often occasions throughout the year where we are asked for such items and if you have good quality, toys, books, clothes etc the Club would be delighted to hear from you.


There is always a need for fresh eyes, ears and minds at our regular monthly meetings and if you could spare a few hours once a month to help out the Cinderella Club would be delighted to hear from you.

Additionally throughout the year we have special events and collections where extra bodies who can spare a few hours would make a great difference. The club maintains a list of those who MIGHT be able to help out occasionally and if you would agree for us to add your contact details to that list that too would be appreciated.


Often we can help others by facilitating an event or funding an activity but in order for us to do this we need to know about the specific needs.

If you know of some child or group of children that might benefit from the clubs activities then please, please get in touch!